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Paula Savage

Director, Audit & Risk Committee Chair

Paula was appointed to the Pāmu board in 2022. She has extensive experience in finance, leadership, and governance roles across a range of sectors.

Paula is now an Independent Director and currently holds governance roles with Mount Wellington Trust Hotels Ltd (Chair) and Northland Events Centre (2021) Trust – Te Pae Taurima o Te Tai Tokerau (Vice-Chair). Previous roles include Ministry for the Environment, Mahitahi Hauora, New Zealand Rugby League, New Zealand Avocado, Ara Taiohi, Foundation North, and New Zealand Football.

Paula brings a strong strategic focus and lateral thinking to her roles.

Her qualifications are a Bachelor of Commerce from Auckland University, a Chartered Accountant of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors New Zealand.

Paula and her husband own an avocado orchard in Northland.