Pāmu has released its 2021 integrated Annual Report.

It is the fourth year we have used an integrated reporting methodology to report to our stakeholders.

We interviewed a range of stakeholders to get their perspectives on issues that matter to them, and their insights on how Pāmu, and others, need to respond to those challenges.

We also feature a range of case studies showing what we are doing to turn those challenges and issues into opportunities.

The full report can be found online here:



Editor’s Note:

For a hard copy of the report, please contact Simon King (021) 242 5723 simon.king@pamu.co.nz

Pāmu is the brand name for Landcorp, a Stated Owned Enterprise, and one of New Zealand’s most innovative farmers and food businesses. It is also the name given to the quality products created by the company. Pāmu is the Māori word ‘to farm’ and reflects the deep connection New Zealanders have with the land, born from respect, and a genuine desire to protect and enhance the environments in which the company works. It’s a proud provenance that stands behind every product bearing the Pāmu name.